Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Cave Falls - Yellowstone Nov. '07

Cave Falls - From inside the cave.
This is the southwest corner of Yellowstone.
It is only about 45 min. away and didn't cost anything to hike and camp this time of year.

From outside the cave

I was so close to being able to sing the zippidy-do-da song.

This guy liked peanut butter brittle as much as I did, maybe. He was going to eat out of my hand a bunch of times, but the shutter sound my camera makes kept spooking it. He got his snack on the ones I left on the branch though.
We car-camped the night before in the back of the jeep. It was nice turning on the car heater every once in a while when it was 2 degrees out.
Bechler Falls.
Amber is a great sport as most of you can imagine this was a Calvin idea.